Monday, March 5, 2012

Christine and the terrible, horrible, no good very bad day

Well today has already been a terrible day. I'm exaggerating of course, but it feels terrible. I dislike venting in a blog post but Dan is busy loading trailers up North and I need somewhere to put this so that I can continue on with my day.

I was awake again before 4 this morning and didn't fall back asleep for at least an hour. It doesn't sound like very long, but my quality of sleep is very poor after being awake in the middle of the night. This has been happening regularly over the past few weeks and I'm annoyed because I have little energy to get through the day as it is. I think last night I was lying awake thinking about worship and trying to shuffle things around in March while Dan and I are away. In any case, I'm ready for Dan to be home so I can feel safe and get some rest.

Then on the way to work I almost got in an accident (it wasn't my fault.) A van pulled out in front of me from a parking spot and proceeded to slowly turn right on a green light. While I was going around him, a truck turned right in front of me (he was obviously in a big hurry as there were several cars already in the intersection in his way). Meanwhile, still turning, the van stopped for no apparent reason, the truck slammed on its brakes with its backend still in the intersection, and I almost ran right into it. So now I couldn't breathe.

Carry on to the post office where I pick up mail for work and I couldn't find parking because the staff park in the customer parking spaces. Good customer service people.

Then I get to work and I have an email from a 'co-worker' saying that "If you plan on taking courses or advancing to a higher position in accounting make sure items add up." Granted, having items add up is a big deal in accounting. It was my fault because I was rushed last week, and I've made the mistake before when I've been rushed. So I kept telling myself that it actually was my mistake and I can't really feel bad when this person is telling the truth. But still, something about the way this person worded it made me feel really bad. Most of the reasons it made me feel bad are not appropriate to put in a blog post until I can deal with them directly but one of the main reasons is that I'm absolutely starving for someone to come alongside me and help me to grow my accounting skills. I'd love to be in a position where I could be mentored by someone, where I could do meaningful work and where I could advance to a higher position in accounting. But the reality is that the people who can teach me are too busy to do it, so when I hear a comment like that it does not feel constructive, it feels like this person is making a judgment on my skills.

Anyway, it would be great if today could be over already. Does anyone know how to do that?


  1. Hey friend, hang in there. I had a day like that on Tuesday, and Wednesday was much better. Also, that e-mail you got was very unnecessarily snarky and deprecating. You're a talented and beautiful person, don't forget it! I make far more accounting mistakes than you do. :)

  2. Aaaah, so there's the sentence from that e-mail... While what he was saying may have been indirectly true (because, well, like you said, having items add up IS a big deal in accounting) - it's HOW he delivered that criticism. Definitely condescending. I bet he's forgotten just how many really nasty huge mistakes he has made himself in his early days of accounting...

    Did the day end up better than it started? :) I'm sorry you had such a rough one. If I'd been on time last night, i'd have probably also known about the near-car-accident...

    I have a few leftover peanut butter chocolate squares if you'd like one...
